From the proceeds of our Christmas tree lot sales, The Weddington Optimist Club has installed a completely new playground at Optimist Park. The system is manufactured by Little Tykes Commercial and is valued at over $20,000. Optimist members installed the equipment in Jan/Feb 2005. This new Max Play 3 system offers a lot of fun with safety in mind. In addition to the main piece, features a playhouse, overhead ladders, two spring rider toys and a 15′ geodesic dome climber.
Optimist Install Playground

This project is consistent with the Optimist motto, “Friend of Youth”.
Our club and other Optimist Clubs thru out the nation work to better the lives of children.
If this is the kind of project you would like to be involved in, please come to one of our meetings.
Meeting dates and times are available on this web site.
New Members are ALWAYS WELCOME!!!!